It was Cheap Gay Beer night at the Oxford.
That’s an unofficial title. I believe Happy Hour is the preferred term (which, funnily enough, didn’t apply last Wednesday for Happy New Year, but anyway).
The weather was truly hot and foul tonight; people were sweating for no good reason, myself included - profusely. Still, it was good to see the venue busy with both new and familiar faces, some more animated/aggressive/amnesiac than others. Quite a few people have yet to go back to work but they didn’t seem any more relaxed than those who’d already woken up at some ungodly hour this morning.
Everyone has the same complaints.

Speaking of which, if you ever suffered on Taylor Square, desperate to take a piss but nervous about those poofter bars and unwilling to go the easy route (Foley St), the council has provided an exciting new toilet:

It’s the lightbox/advertising space on the left. The crane in front was used to help remove the big illuminated metal Christmas tree that lifted our spirits in such a fittingly hollow way for the past month (by day it looked tawdry, but by night it went off!).
I’ve yet to use this new hygienic facility (I did notice amid the signage the universal symbol for ‘nappy changing area’, which unsettled me) but anyone who has seen or used one of those time-sensitive glamourised Portaloos knows what I'm talking about.
A far cry from the old Gents’, needless to say.
Still, for all this questionable 'development', (Elizabeth) Taylor Square has looked far worse.
Remember the obstacle course?

Weather update! The cool change has hit, the tree outside my window is going batshit. All's, if not well, then at leat less clammy.