Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Public art

Taylor Square’s last makeover a few years back included the addition of several illuminated diorama pods scattered about the space, in which local artwork was to be displayed on a rotating basis.

All very well-intentioned, but the pods themselves are a bit disturbing, like giant alien worms poking their heads out through the paving. When they first appeared, I was taken aback by their appearance and highly dubious of their purpose, but they were at least clean and appeared to have an almost sedative effect:

Since then they’ve been broken, graffitied and generally disdained, although the current selection of archival Australian photography isn’t that bad.

Pity some queens were compelled to add the evidence of their attendance at that heinous Malebox night at Stonewall:

Then again, as community art projects go, kinda sums it up.

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