Sunday, April 6, 2008

Adventures in branding

The southern side of Oxford Street and its immediate vicinity are full of places in which to have sex or purchase merchandise to facilitate said activity. Off the top of my head I can think of nine (11 if you cross the street).

I call the area Bigbox: Band of Instant Gratification Below Oxford Street.

A relative newcomer is Kaos, purveyors of ‘adult koncepts’.
Krazy spelling aside, their corporate identity bothers me. Given the context, am I the only one who thinks that ‘O’ looks like a bloody sphincter?


DARIAN ZAM said...

That's all I ever thought every time I see that sign.

Lois Steam said...

Hey Darian, long time, etc.
Checked out your work, very impressive.
Anyway, nice to hear from you.
And design them a new logo, will you?

FireHorse said...

Darian, could you design me a new masthead or whatever it's called. Get back to me when you're finished with it. Thanks. ;)

DARIAN ZAM said...

Thanks Brad
Yes still alive and around (miraculously)
Send me your postal address to and I wil drop you an invitation for the upcoming exhibition