Its official listing in the catalogue: ‘Yellow cock’.
I’d never been to an auction before but, as an avid Bargain Hunt fan, I had a general idea of what to expect. This particular auction was in a warehouse full of everything from antique cabinets to boxes of old Mad magazines and the gathered crowd was just as disparate: slovenly old men, middle-aged queens, mothers cradling small children.
Our auctioneer, looking a little harried (perhaps due to his early-onset male-pattern baldness), moved very quickly through proceedings - I got the distinct feeling he had somewhere better to be – so it was only a wait of an hour or so before my lot, 1259, came up.
I admit I was tense, a matter made worse when I saw a well-dressed woman of a certain age with that silvery-blonde hair you only see in affluent suburbs eyeing my cock. Oh no you don’t, I thought, that’s my cock, darling, my now-precious cock, which I couldn’t possibly live without, which I’d already mentally arranged in my bachelor pad. She didn't even need to be here, she should be fondling scarves in Hermes.
Keep your well-manicured paws off my cock, bitch!
The big moment came. “Lot 1259. A yellow… um.”
The auctioneer’s assistant came to the rescue: “Rooster, sir!”
As it turned out, just one other man showed any interest and I could hardly call it a bidding frenzy; it was over in about 30 seconds.
Thirty bucks. Not bad.
It looks great on your window sill with the light coming through, and that dappled glass is mighty pretty!
Finally! At last! I've wanted to see your cock for years! Thank you ... and welcome to the blogosphere.
Well, given I never did put a dick pic on Gaydar, I figured this was the least I could do.
Auctioning has been my profession. I have been guiding others which way would be better for them. This auction-warehouse is for all of them who haven't been earlier to any auctions.
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