Are they preparing for the Pope's visit? Are they equipped with some sort of anti-anti-Pope weapon?
Anyway, it reminded me of a truly fab/awful YouTube clip a friend showed me the other week. It's a series of outtakes from the 1996 movie Skyscraper starring Anna Nicole Smith. Tagline: 'Eighty-Six Floors Of Action-Packed Terror!'

Of all things, she plays a helicopter pilot, and the poor thing is dressed in a very unflattering pilot's uniform much of the time (her tits look like they're around her waist).
In these justifiably deleted scenes, Anna Nicole is - there's no other way to put it - completely out of it. The word 'airspace' proves extremely difficult to pronounce, although quite frankly I prefer her version: 'hairspace'.
Bless you! That's the viewing highlight of 2008! Thanks! x
LOL that was fabulous! Thank you!
Glad to help. x
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