I’m beginning to think perhaps I should quit.
We were having a good time chatting and checking out the various mobile wrecks that stumble around, barking random nasal remarks at high volume to each other. Then a young man approached us and smiled broadly. He wasn’t shabbily dressed, although he had a very strange plastered-down fringe, as though he’d starred in his high-school production of Julius Caesar and was growing it out.
Anyway, he told us we looked like two lovely people having a very nice lunch and babbled on. And this is where I made the fatal error:
I responded to him with a ‘thank you’ and a nod.
I can’t help myself and I should know better. Every time I do this – hand out a ciggie, engage in anything resembling conversation – I often find myself trapped in a drunken, rambling monologue (not that uncommon inside the pub, come to think of it) or besieged by a suddenly pink-faced lunatic threatening to glass me with my own beer.
Which is what young Julius did.
I’m not sure he was drunk or under the influence of anything. I think the mental health system in this city has a lot to answer for.
On the bright side, Taylor Square itself looks like it’s actually been cleaned recently. And the ‘fountain’ was finally doing more than this:
Despite many attempts the authorities have never quite made the best out of the space that is Taylors Square.
I dunno... I've been going out on Oxford St since the early '90s and I've never been trapped in a drunken rambling monologue (not with a stranger anyway). And no-one's ever threatened to glass me. Maybe it's you?
Yes, how come I've never been threatened with glassing in all my years on the scene? Maybe people act that way to you coz you're a rude arsehole?
Maxi, Maxi, Maxi.............Behave darl.........say something constructive or Nothing at all..........I suggest this as with this sort of Bitchy comment, you are it seems well on the way to at least a Cyber glassing, and the computer screens Shield will not protect you,,,,,,,,,,,P.S.this is Not to be taken as an actual Threat
Leaving the story with the cleanliness of the tiles at Taylor Square is to easy, and very frustrating..........Why did the EX make a surprise Visit? was it the first of a series of " we can still be friends!" visit??... or was it a reconcilliation ,let's do lunch! visit????.........This story is a can of worms........are you seriously thinking of giving up smoking?? Why Not the Booze as well???? what was the full story with the glassing, Will you bear lifelong scars?????? What possessed you to go to The Courthouse??? and EAT there........The vomit from the tiles outside would be enough to suggest you eat elsewhere, but I guess you were lulled by their cleanliness..........
Anonymous - he also attacked Maxi in an earlier post. Were you ere you saying "behave" then? Double standards, hey?
And i agree with the comments above. Why do people regularly threaten to glass this guy? I don't think this is a regular event for most other people. Obviously the problem is with him and the way he treats people.
Anonymous - he also attacked Maxi in an earlier post. Where were you saying "behave" then? Double standards, hey?
And i agree with the comments above. Why do people regularly threaten to glass this guy? I don't think this is a regular event for most other people. Obviously the problem is with him and the way he treats people.
Oh Ulo, just call me, much easier.
As for the other various anonymouses, yeah, I had a go at Maxi but really, when you write about yourself and no one but yourself week after week you invite commentary.
And as for a 'problem', just one should-be mental patient threatened to glass me and it's the combination of my bloody smoking habit and the out-in-the-street-smoking laws that exacerbates this, LIKE I WROTE.
I thought I made that evident. I should elaborate in future.
But mate, you said before that every time you engage in conversation at these venues you find yourself trapped in a drunken conversation or besieged by a pink faced lunatic threatening to glass you. Now you're saying this has only happened once?!?!?
Hi Ulo, it's JB's friend. I'll be working backstage with you at the Debby's show. See you there.
Why do ghetto queens like Lois ALWAYS bitch and bitch and bitch about Occy St/Taylor Square/Darlo but still choose to live there. They hate the place but they just can't drag themselves away. If they get more than 1km from The Strip they break out in a rash. Is it because when you have low self esteem, you don't think you deserve anything better than a slummy ghetto?
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