Perhaps to my detriment, I’ve been doing that in print for more than a decade now.
I’m approaching 18 years with this fucking virus, not to mention the ignorant nastiness of gay men to this day; any valid arguments I might have are now reduced to ‘bitterness’, any anger is attributed to drug abuse. Apart from my delusion that the Marlboro Man will whisk me away one day on his big horse, I'm afraid that's simply untrue.
Personally, I reckon (my) life is too short to waste on idiots and mediocrity. So sue me. I’ll probably be dead before it goes to court, right?
To the detractors, I give you my biggest smile:
So brave. *sniff* So strong and true. *sniff, sniff*
Poor, dear, wronged Lois. *dabs at eyes*
Well, what a waste of time THAT was.
I think you meant this one, love:
This 'anonymous' thing is quite confusing.
Nevertheless, to the first one I say - get fucked.
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