The two gay papers came out today. How’s this for an opening paragraph:
“So I have climbed the Harbour Bridge, I’ve been on Jet boats around the harbour, I’ve posed naked for all and sundry to see, but my latest adventure seemed to scare the pants off me more than any of those did.”
Gawd, I’m sick of Maxi Shield. A local drag queen and columnist for the Sydney Star Observer, she has, in the past couple of years, deployed her relentless self-promotional skills, Eve Harrington-worthy determination and supernatural knack for photo opportunities to position herself as the Saviour of Oxford Street.
But now, I fear, she’s out of control.
I think it’s her latest ‘nude look’ that’s made me crack. It just creeps me out (and Dallas Della Force did it first and far better). Or maybe it’s her constant references to herself as an ‘old girl’. Or the fact she named herself after a female sanitary product.
By all accounts, she a lovely person. Still…
Great blog mate!
Why thank you!
Jealousy is a curse isn't it darling? So glad no-one will pay you to spew your bile anymore, now you have to do it in your own time at your own cost.
Why waste your valuable time reading my little blog, Maxi?
But yes, I confess I am insanely jealous of you. I've always to wanted to be Sydney's most famous sanitary pad.
A friend told me there was a blog bitching about me so I came to check it out - otherwise I wouldnt be seen dead here. I have no need to visit again now I've seen how pathetic it is... Just a sad out of work "journo" bitching about the world coz he's got no life and is bitter as all hell. Poor love. Good luck to you and your five readers. Hope your gay moan and groan club goes well. Now if you'll excuse me, Ive got things to do the real world as oppossed to your cyber fantasy life as a "journalist" lol... Bye sweetie!
Maxi xx
Ummm..... I think Maxi knows she named herself after a sanitiary pad. Its, like, a joke.... you know, ON PURPOSE. Just like how Tora Hymen stands for tore a hymen and Lois Steam means low esteem.
PS I'd have low esteem too if I was an unemployed HIV+ drug addict, no wonder you need to lash out all the time.
Shit, it didn't take long for the HIV phobia and misplaced assumption of drug abuse to come out...
Anyway, cunt, you're the reason I've disabled anonymous comments.
You win.
Now go away.
I take that back.
Waste your time.
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