Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spitting image

Now that my brain is back in full-blown fashion mode (a seldom-discussed chronic manageable illness), I feel compelled to complain about the difficulty in finding a decent, plain T-shirt.

Everywhere you go, every T-shirt has, for the want of a better word, shit all over it.
Logos, doodles, would-be-profound slogans or, my pet hate, what looks like the ejaculate of some bored and overpaid graphic designer.

Cannily, someone’s cut to the chase, so to speak.

Lo, the EVB Cum Shot T-shirt from


Victor said...

The guy wearing that has bragging rights. My equivalent tee would have those markings much lower down - on the jeans actually, LOL.

DARIAN ZAM said...

What's worse, has been the recent resurgence of the "wake me up before you go-go" tshirts. Embarassing in 1984, still embarassing now.