Saturday, April 26, 2008

Have we met before?

One of the few things from Geography class that stuck in my brain was the concept of market agglomeration, wherein likeminded businesses mass together.
An example of this can be found on the two blocks of Crown Street south of Oxford, where a number of shops selling pre-loved clothing (okay, ‘vintage’, whatever) line both sides of the street: C’s Flashback, Zoo and Grandma Takes a Trip among them.

Interestingly, smack-bang in the middle of all the plaid shirts and polyester is Headquarters, arguably Sydney’s sleaziest sex-on-premises venue.
Any suggestion that this makes it a purveyor of second-hand goods is totally unwarranted.


FireHorse said...

Your geography classes were far more advanced than the ones I attended. I don't recall the "concept of market agglomeration" being taught but then I don't recall much from school, ;)

Anonymous said...

that's coz ur "not that bright"

FireHorse said...
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